Zimbabwe Dictator Par-Excellence, Mr. Robert Mugabe has shown the World that “the man can sham” and he has! ….more>
Mesaz in dan ban sanson ….more>
The comical irony between a bye-election and the sham presidential election ….more>
‘Pa touf sa deba’! & Danny, the IMF and Paris Club ….more>
Dear Editor, Allow me space in Weekly for my letter. …..more>
June has really been a hectic month for the President. He had to dodge a few events such as the ‘Senk Zen’ celebrations ….more>
Only 15% booked double destinations, usually Mauritius-Reunion, because of the proximity of the two islands and flight frequency between them. ….more>
In a letter addressed to DP leader, Paul Chow, a group of civil servants have begged Chow to withdraw DP’ s candidature in the Mont Fleuri bye-election because they say they will not be able to vote for fear of being victimized. ….more>
The Minister of Agriculture has secured a donation consignment of corn from the People’s Republic of China (PRC). ….more>
Frank Elizabeth was born and grew up in Mont Fleuri in 1967. He is 40 years old. ….more>
Another devaluation expected. ….more>
After four matches in the qualifying series of the World Cup 2010 and the African Cup of Nation, Seychelles Pirates remain without a single point. ….more>
Seychelles today is a bit like Plantation Club in its present predicament. In the case of Plantation Club, Judge Perera has now appointed a liquidator to wind up the affairs of the holding Company ….more>
Compared to the previous year, when the event was held at ‘Stad Popiler’, it must have been pleasing for all school managers to see the championship back at Stad Linite ….more>
The Seychelles and its Tourism Industry needs investors, this is an accepted fact, but what has never been spelled out is that we need ….more>