Christopher Gill's Column

Jack is Out of The Box

Christopher GillA fine man with a fine English name of “James”, made his way to an Irish Pub, had a few malted whiskey’s with his Irish mates, promised to pay the Bill. As he walked out of the Irish Pub Bill unpaid, his mates, bellowed, “so long Jack, thank you for the Bill....” for you see, a fine man named “James” in London, is also named “Jack” in it is in Paradise, promise broken, but our fate so sealed.

In Seychelles, Jack has met with the nation’s CEO’s and asked them to all think “Out of The Box”. Jack himself is also now out of the box. Seychellois beware. Let’s look at Jack and his silly, but painful ideas that waste our time and suck our blood in our bodies to the point we are tired and beaten by economic failure time and time again and again. Thanks to Jack and his gang we will now work harder, earn less money, and buy less food with less money, but pay higher bills. As Jack builds up more and more debts in our name, our dreams will be ruined. Even his promise to pay our debts in 2011 will not be kept. As Jack makes false promises, we can only look to God for mercy. When Jack invokes the blessings of the Lord upon us, beware of he who takes the name of the Lord in vain, for the gates of the Kingdom of God is not open to he who does not repent. The Devil’s work will only bring more strife and more suffering unto our good People.

 Jack Says The Public Told Him To Re Organize The Civil Service

Upon return from a shopping spree and holiday in Singapore, Jack defended his position in regards to terminations in the Civil Service which had no advance warning or Notice to workers, as being an act in response to what the Public directed him to do in the District wide meetings held last year, across Seychelles. In the meetings the Public said they wanted a more responsive Civil Service. They wanted Government to be more efficient. No one in the Public told Jack to fire workers without Notice, without a direct offer of other employment; without a care in the World about the welfare of these workers or their families. Jack did that all by himself. Do not blame the People for your actions Jack, that is not hypocrisy but cowardice.

 Most recently, Jack has also fired another 50 workers from SMB. There are more to follow. We all know SMB is a waste land and Jack employs People there to maintain a voting base, much like a Butcher raises his own pigs to always have a fresh supply of meat for butchering. This is common in Seychelles. But if you have to reduce the work force, why cannot Jack come clean with the staff of Government and SMB and say so. Why cannot Jack spend six (6) months to retrain these workers with other skills if necessary to help them cope with the change, which is very, very traumatic for anyone? The answer is simple: Jack is Out of The Box! He left his heart in the box. Beware Seychellois!

 Jack Fires Educated IT Specialists and Other Professionals But Wants a University    to Train The Same

One day Jack tells us he wants a University to train our People to be the best in the World. The next day, Jack fires IT specialists and other professionals in Government making a clean sweep of a capable highly trained labour force. Does that make any sense? Of course, it does to Jack. Employees cost money, so Jack cuts that. Raising money for a University makes money. So there you have it. It does not matter if you never train anyone. Universities are a great rallying point for society in general and People with money love making donations to such “a noble cause”. Jack wants everyone to get on board, raise money for his University, which he will control to the point whereby, he can even offer himself a Diploma. But it will never make up for the shortcomings in Jacks thinking methods, which today has left us “officially rich... but practically poor”. Soon we will be back to “officially poor...but practically dirt poor”...for this, you can thank Jack. At this point remember the words of his Great Leader (FAR)” if the Rupee floats we are all doomed!” Jacks Great leader knew what he was talking about when he praised North Korea, and he must have known what kind of twisted economic system he had created in Seychelles. FAR stays in Australia while Jack muddles in his own mess.

Jack Wants Young Leaders

Jack has also set up a desk in State House, to create a Young Leaders Program. Never mind about the100 plus potential “Young Leaders” you just fired in Government, create a new program and seek out new “Young Leaders”. Why you ask? Because Jack is out of the Box! Jack is also a Communist. Communists must have control over smart people. They must be able to mould the thinking of the intelligent. They must be able to teach them how to seal their lips when they see things that are out of order. Corruption is not an enemy of Communists; it is a co- conspirator. Young Leaders, you are better off registering at the agricultural extension service for work attachment then to register at the Young Leaders Desk at State House for formation. If you do not believe me, just look at what happened to the last 100 Young leaders in Government. They were FIRED!

 As for our Young CEO’s be careful. When Jack tells you to speak your mind, he is really telling you to let him know if you are a real Communist like him. If you sound like a “Free Spirit”, he will fire you as well. You are all better off just staying silent, try to find another means to earn a living after hours, to eventually remove yourself from Jacks clutch grip on your families lives.

 Jack Promotes the Military

Jack demotes the Civil Service and promotes the Military. Why you ask? Because Jack knows the cost of living will now double every three (3) months in Seychelles. This is called Hyper- Inflation. If you need a reference, see Zimbabwe under President Robert Mugabe (he is one of Jack’s friends), to get a good idea where Seychelles is going. If Jack does not promote the Military, they may place him under House Arrest. Because the Colonels and Captains cannot cope with the sudden increase in the cost of living. By promoting the Military, Jack protects himself, while we all suffer through the worse period of price increases and displacement in our history, since slavery came to these shores over 200 years ago.

 Does Jack Lie?

Of course Jack lies. He lies in his bed when he sleeps and he lies to us the Public. What does he lie about? Anything practically. The list is becoming endless. But we must recall. Here are some lies that I personally recall off the top of my head. The Reader may want to send in a list to Seychelles Weekly and we can publish a master list. As it grows, so should the movement to remove Jack grow. Our goal is 1000 but we will settle for 500 since that is the largest denomination of Seychelles Rupee Jack offers for now.

1. Jack took the Country with a Gun claiming to be a Liberator - Lie!

2. 1994- Jack said in the National Assembly-Question Time the Foreign Exchange Shortage is not a Crisis - Lie!

3. Jack fixed the Rate of the Rupee and said it was set by the market forces - Lie!

4. Jack said “Seychelles for Seychellois”- Lie! Today, Seychelles is becoming for Millionaire Arabs under Jack, Seychellois are becoming Third Class Citizens.

5. Jack said we imported Pipes but in fact we imported Castle Beer in SMB containers

6. Jack said we paid all our debts after meeting with the Pope and Lehmann Brothers last year- Lie!

7. Jack Said he has a Heart For All Seychellois” - Lie!

8. On June 18th 2007, National Day Speech- Jack said he would treat all hotels the same next month (July) - Lie!

9. Jack’s Team promised everyone in need of a House. - Lie...he cannot get enough cement and wood for existing construction.

10. Jack said he would not increase the price of fuel.- Lie!

11. Jack said our Tuna Production in 2007 would boom - Lie! There is actually less tuna in our waters then even Jack thought there was, since he has the same people watching our Tuna, taking it.

12. Jack  said he would increase our Foreign Exchange Allocation on departure from $400.00 to $ 700.00 - Lie again!

13. Jack also said do not go to Singapore since Dengue Fever outbreak- but he went - Lie

14. Jack said he will become a Facilitator of business - Lie

15. Jack says we will be rich with oil and natural gas- Lie...lie more lies. It will be too expensive to  extract anything we find under granite boulders. New finds in North America will cost $ 10.00 - 15.00 per barrel to extract and will cause the price of oil to go down by 5-10% PER YEAR once production starts. This, Jack will not compete with.

16. Jack said he would sell Coetivy through Danny last December. - Lie. Danny just told us he wants to contract out the Prawn Farm to Lehman Brothers. Perhaps Jack and Danny will keep an exclusive contract to collect snails for Lehman Brothers...thank you have ideas worth the weight of a Maserati!

17. Jack says he wants to protect Silhouette’s unique endemic environment. Lie. They are building a road through Silhouette that is 5.5 meters wide or more. This road will cut through mountains run through the hills of “Ran D’Avance”. Then we will run backwards again.

18. Jack said he would keep our Rupee strong - Lie!

19. Jack said he was happy to see NATO forces dock at the Port. Lie. Jack supports a greater Communist China presence in the Indian Ocean, and he hopes to be the main Benefactor of that move

20. Jack said nothing about War Games ongoing in our Ocean last week, while Colonel Brigadier Leopold Payet was in Communist China promising and seeking closer military relations between Seychelles and the Communist China...sometimes the lies can be found in the silence.   

  May God Bless All Freedom Loving Seychellois!

September 21, 2007
Copyright 2007: Seychelles Weekly, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles