1. We thank you Mr. Michel (President) for creating a new Drug Unit to tackle the problems in our Country. I just wonder what took you so long? Hopefully, it will be a new, independent DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) and not the same old has-beens who have been part of the problem from the beginning. Be courageous and leave the Escobars out of the Drug Unit.
2. Did you see the privatization notice in the Nation this week? Did you notice the one glaring unit that was missing? Yes, the SMB bottled-water unit. Apparently, this unit which is one of the few profitable ventures ever undertaken by SMB has already been gifted. Oops, I meant to say awarded without tender of course! Can the Ministry concerned come out to perform a “show and tell” on the independent SBC? The people want to know. How much time and money has SPPF wasted in these ventures only to shut them down today.
3. And while on SMB, I noticed the funny vacancy adverts for computer programmers and systems manager for the Prawn Industries. Amazing that they are still running dinosaur IBM AS/400 computers that cost us taxpayers millions in forex! And why do you need programmers for a prawn farm that has cost us even more millions? Ask Jojo to spare you a few laid-off “embelisment tenir pa large” workers to help count the few remaining prawns. The prawn farm can be run on a laptop from Mahe today silly!
4. As for Coetivy Island, I hear Rousseau (not to be confused with “delo”) is about to discover water there as well after PUC,s great La Digue water discovery. Hey, the prawn pools are deep enough, and we are already in deep prawn doodoo with those unpaid forex loans and no oil has been found yet! As for spending 54 million rupees on a sewage plant for La Digue, it makes me wonder why they don’t finish the sewage job on Mahe first, or use that money for fixing water pipes and distribution on Mahe. And what about the rotten fish and sewage smell in
5. While we are on island projects, glad to see that tourism numbers are rising. Amazing what happens when you remove a Prince from the First Family from his throne. Now just imagine for one minute if the other Prince of IDC is replaced by a real hard-working manager who, for the love of Seychelles, would actually get those island to produce real wealth for the nation instead of real wealth for the First Family pockets. Put Seychellois First - Not the First Family First!
6. While the individual coffers overflow with forex, we see another couple of rupee-bond offers from our empty Glass CBS Sausage Green House. One for 250 million at 6% interest for 3 years and the other for 100 million at 4.12% interest for one year. Now, what will those rupees really be worth in 3 years? I think you are better off asking Fat Prince for an island before he sells them all to the “Dalon(s)”, Didis and Beggis. Or just buy a car from Mooky’s bro at his 8-million showroom at