“Le Nouveau Seychelles Weekly” has discovered a simmering resentment of the treatment of official taxi operators by the government. Taxi operators are small businesses that need to invest quite a substantial amount of money in a vehicle before the business could operate effectively. Taxi operators pay inordinately high insurance premiums to protect themselves against possible write-offs or loss of business if an accident were to happen to their vehicle.
The recent devaluation of the rupee, it appears, has not helped matters impacting immediately on the cost of spare parts. Hard on this heel is also the world’s highest increase in the price of fuel recently ordered by this same Government. Other hardships have to be suffered with the unfair system in place at Pointe Larue airport. Further hardship comes in the unfair system put in place whenever a cruise ship visits
Take the situation at the
To add insult to injury, according to taxi operators, the government invariably displays an arrogant and devil-may-care attitude when it comes to taxi operators. The concerns and their representatives who express them are ignored as if they are not stakeholders in the
President Michel’s words of “Judge me by my actions” has yet to strike a positive chord as far as the taxi operators are concerned. He has yet to come round to meet with the taxi drivers or the taxi drivers association to hear their numerous concerns. Taxi operators are judging him by his inaction as far as they are concerned.