A SERIES of lectures on the Constitution has been organised by the government and delivered at PUC, Praslin and all over the country recently to sensitize the general public about their rights and responsibilities under the Constitution. However, only SPPF lawyers have been tasked to give these lectures and there has been general criticisms that some of the lawyers are not even qualified to educate the masses about the virtues of our Constitution. People like William Herminie, Brassel Adeline and Bernard Adonis (the latter is a non practicing lawyer) have all commenced to deliver these lectures.
People who have attended these lectures have complained that the lecturers often put a political spin on matters. Although the lectures are being paid for by the UNDP, it is losing its credibility by the mere fact that the SPPF is clearly showing partisanship in the way the people who give the lectures are appointed.
The exercise is supposed to be impartial and credible. It is designed to educate and inform so that abuses of human rights, especially by the police force, would be a thing of the past. It was not intended to be the preserve of the SPPF only and the sooner a more impartial and credible bunch of lecturers are given the responsibility to impart their expert constitutional knowledge to the less informed, the better it would be for everybody.