Contributed by Seychellois Working at Airtel

AS a well-established company in our country we are all deeply concern about the deplorable condition that Seychellois Employees are facing within this Organisation.  We Seychellois staff are recruited as high ranking officer(s) only to find ourselves at the bottom of the hierarchy among the junior staff.

Therefore it is clear that in comparison to a disciplinary force where the career of a private climbs to a higher post based on merit, Airtel is accustomed to do vice-versa.  As Seychellois in our own Country we expect nothing less but to be treated equally and justly to secure our future.

We are all in agreement that wrong doing should be punished accordingly without favour.  However, it is with regret that we the Seychellois workers have learnt that disciplinary action are applied selectively and discriminatorily when it comes to Indian expatriates, but harsher action is taken against Seychellois workers for the same offences.

To think just recently that the financial irregularities discovered by the auditors has reflected the under performance of the financial controller whereby he failed to discover or to take action appropriately and thus causing the company a financial loss of millions, estimated to be around ten million rupees.

Yet he stands as a hero before the company and his incompetence and omission has been shifted to us Seychellois as scapegoats therefore putting Seychellois employment at risks by initiating unjustified disciplinary action against the wrong people living his own post secure and fruitful.

On our closing note we would like to draw to your attention to the salary band of Seychellois and Indian expatriates where every employee realize that despite the high cost of living in our country our Indian colleagues are earning high salaries that does not justify in comparison to the lower salary earned by Seychellois performing the same duties and very often with more responsibilities.

March 21, 2008
Copyright 2007: Seychelles Weekly, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles