Letters to the Editor

The correlation between drug abuse and economic meltdown

Dear Sir

There is a study that has been done in several countries whereby it has confirmed that there is direct correlation between a population’s drug abuse patterns and the economic difficulties that they are facing. More and more of these evils that are destroying the fabric of our society are perpetrated by the hardships that the population has to face. Let’s face it. Our country is bankrupt but instead of finding ways and means to curtail our spending (and hence borrowing), the SPPF government decides to embark on more ambitious projects of ‘konblaz’ etc… For the sake of more progress in indebtedness or for the further ‘kickbacks’ such projects will bring us under the table…

What does a desperate population do when they cannot make ends meet? They turn into drugs and alcohol, to help (perhaps!) drown their sorrows and troubles… this turns them into druggies and drunks to the point that they become oblivious of the car crash ahead of us, with our poor little Seselwa(s) tangled in the twisted metal, as we wait for the ambulance that never pitched.. ‘ayoyo dimoun pe mor, zot dimoun pe soufer’! - “Pou lanmour Sesel”.

A concern citizen

Maurice Lausteau Lalanne One Board too Many!

It really baffles me at times when announcements are made with regards to Board appointments.  It’s particularly puzzling especially when it’s the same bunch of already-too committed individuals who are appointed on such Boards.  The question I ask myself or rather that I’ve been asking myself over the years is that ‘Don’t we have other capable individuals here in Seychelles who can assume such responsibilities?  Looking at some of the current Boards we can easily pick out a bunch of members who are already occupying demanding jobs which they don’t seem to have to the time to give their  full undivided attention to resulting in ineffiencies and ultimately public frustration because Mr. X or Mrs. Y is attending …another Board meeting!

I don’t have anything against Mr. Maurice Laustau-Lalanne.  He’s doing a good job at STB and I presume he must have a dedicated and hard-working pool of staff who ensures a smooth operation whenever he is attending his numerous Board meetings.  But isn’t it time to say ‘Enough is enough for Mr. Loustau-Lalanne and the Chairmanship of Boards?’ How many Boards are to be set with him as the chairman?  What is so special about Mr. Loustau- Lalanne that makes him the ‘King’ or ‘Superman’ of Board appointments in this country?

Just to refresh your mind apart from being CEO of STB, member of National Economic Planning Council( NEPC), member of Board of Directors of Air Seychelles, member of Board of Environment Trust Fund, member of the Board of Trustees of the Seychelles Islands Foundation (SIF), Mr. Loustau-Lalanne is presently the Chairman o the following Board;  Seychelles Broadcasting Corporation (SBC), Seychelles Civil Aviation Authority (SCAA), Seychelles Tourism Board (STB), Seychelles Island Foundation (SIF), Advisory Board of Seychelles Tourism Academy (STA) and the recently set-up Advisory Board of the Health Services Authority (HSA)!  There may be others which I’ve lost count or track of because the way I see the trend, Board composition announcements are now synonymous with ‘Maurice Loustau-Lalanne’! I think enough is enough.

Seychelles as we all know is a small country and cannot afford to put absolute power in the hands of just a minority..or the same bunch who are already trying to gobble up their full-to-the-edge plate!  It leads to many problems which we all know and have experienced or are experiencing.  It does not give a good impression on our human resources because the world out there thinks only 1 or 2 ‘Super gentlemen’ or ‘Super ladies’ are able to discharge high-profile responsibilities or who can be trusted with such duties.  Now that this new and positive spirit of togetherness and dialogue is reigning in our beloved little Seychelles let us move forward and in the process ensure that the majority of able individuals are given the opportunity to prove what they also can do for their country.

Gustave Decomarmond (Mr.)

Courtesy The Rising Sun

Forced closure of The Plantation Club Resort at Baie Lazare

Dear Editor,

Please allow us space in your esteemed newspaper to voice our concerns on the important issue of the forced closure of The Plantation Club Resort at Baie Lazare.

Despite all the lies given by so-called defenders of the Seychelles tourism industry, we the staff of The Plantation Club know the REAL REASONS behind the actions of certain people in government. The main issue at stake is GREED!

Certain fat-cats in this country are being bribed to allow some rich Arab cronies to STEAL the hotel from its rightful owners. They are the same rich Arabs we have hosted at The Plantation Club for many years. These are the people we’ve always had to put up with their arrogant and decadent behaviour  -  they constantly wreck the hotel rooms and disturb other guests in their orgies with foreign prostitutes.

The main reason for shutting down the hotel given by Maurice Lalanne is that we are not up to standard. Thank you for insulting us, but our guests think otherwise and have appreciated our hospitality. Why is it that these rich Arabs keep coming back to our hotel several times a year for their good time – are these affluent people into sub-standard hotels?! For the public’s information, President James Michel the president of ALL Seychellois was spotted in a secret meeting with the Arab sheik at the resort only recently before the new year – What was being discussed? Were our livelihood being traded away? Mr. Michel let us remind you that you should be defending OUR cause as OUR president. Only as recently as late last year the Fire and Health departments made a routine visit and gave this hotel A CLEAN BILL OF HEALTH – so give us a break Maurice Lalanne, and all your cliques...

We the staff of The Plantation Club Resort consider this hotel as OUR HOTEL because working here is a special experience – WE ARE ONE BIG FAMILY. The Davisons have been excellent people to work with, and and we consider them as part of OUR FAMILY. We have one message for Mr. Mark Davison: WE THE STAFF OF PLANTATION RESORT ARE 100% BEHIND YOU TO SAVE THE HOTEL FROM FALLING IN THE WRONG HANDS – MAY GOD BE WITH YOU IN THIS FIGHT! We are prepared to take whatever action is needed to save our hotel.

We implore on all staff of all hotels in Seychelles, indeed all the people of Seychelles, to show solidarity with us in our fight for our livelihood – what is happening to us can easily happen to you all. Are you prepared to sit by and let greedy people play with your livelihood?

As to you all people of ill-will who are trying to sell out our country to rich Arabs: we know who you are, and the day will come to account…


The Plantation Club Resort

The Plantation Club Resort

January 25, 2008
Copyright 2007: Seychelles Weekly, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles