Recently the Farmers Association led by Mr. Serge Ben strong, a highly qualified and accomplished farmer in his own right, has been going back and forth to the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Finance sounding the alarm bells on behalf of farmers to Government of Seychelles concerning the lack of adequate Animal Feed Meal in the country to maintain livestock. Over 1000 farmers are affected by this macro-economic blunder. It is not the first time. But perhaps the situation in 2008 represents the worse ever.
The Ministry of Finance complains that it does not have the necessary $ 500,000.00 in foreign exchange to buy corn meal supplies every three (3) months and the buffer stock at SMB has been exhausted. It is essentially a “collapse” in the Animal Feed Meal supply chain. The irony of this situation is that farmers sell much of their products to SMB itself, the big octopus with many tentacles, which today is now strangling itself. Soon SMB will not have any pork product, chicken and eggs to sell to the Public. Prices will slump as animals are slaughtered in anticipation of near death, then prices will sky-rocket when farmers stop producing. Smart farmers will start salting pork, chicken and eggs like our forefathers did when traveling between islands. Eventually, only the rich and well-placed will have access to eggs, chicken and yes even a little pork chop. Thank you SPPF for taking us on a healthy ride of disaster. Now we will add chicken, pork chops, bacon and eggs to our list of things to buy when we go to
Last month, SMB privatized Food Pro to itself (SPPF) more or less. Food Pro processes much of the chicken and pork product for
SPPF cannot blame the price of corn on the world market for the lack of corn in
SPPF has a responsibility to the Farmers because it created the system of reliance on SMB for Animal Feed Meal. It promised supply of corn to them. They relied on that promise and invested millions. SPPF must give ample supply of Animal Feed Meal to farmers now. Stop the premature death of meat produce. Allow farmers to regroup, set up a farm cooperative which will allow them to buy their corn meal overseas. And yes, SMB must start paying in US Dollars or Euros for chicken, since SPPF has destroyed our Rupee today and no one who has to buy corn on the open market would want a Rupee for an egg!