Tromlin Island Booms!

IT is reported from Tromlin Island that an investor, a multi millionaire from the Seychelles, is investing in a Mega Tourism Development Project, sewer, electricity facilities to make the island the Pearl of the Indian Ocean, a title which it appears Seychelles is soon to relinquish due to eminent fuel shortages and internal division within the ruling party which is being splintered into two camps, one run by the Boss France Albert Rene, the hard man of the Indian Ocean, and the second group which the Boss dubbed  "en Pti Group Dimoun" run by James Michel.

The investor has said in an interview over the telephone, “this project will be a Mega Tourism Development of $750Million and will change the life of the residents of Tromlin forever". He added, we will even bring a Carrefour to Tromlin, an area which has up till now been neglected by the French Government. I love Tromlin he declared, and the seals in the background flapped their flippers in a chorus of sexually persuasive gestures. 'On You Tube', in appreciation of the flapping beached seals, it showed a man being overwhelmed in emotion over the recognition.

April 11, 2008
Copyright 2007: Seychelles Weekly, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles