Former President Rene is famous for his political speeches during the time he was in opposition and during his reign. Before Independence Rene was famous for hating everything foreign – He did not like tourism – Indians he said was sucking our blood and had to go home he called them names and promised them with expulsion if ever he came to power. The Yankees (Americans) suffered the same fate Rene wanted them out, period; nothing could change his mind then on that particular issue even if the Americans were contributing generously into the economy.
This was SPUP/SPPF in opposition on assuming power through violent means the SPPF changed tactics favouring extortion as a favourite tool to get what they wanted from the Indians and the Americans they wanted out in the first place. While Mr. Rene was President on numerous occasions during speeches he referred to Seychellois travelling abroad on vacations as unpatriotic and that they were feeding the Mauritian and/or the Singaporeans – what is Mr. Rene doing nowadays? Feeding the Australians???