According to an article in the Seychelles Nation this week the President of the Republic has asked the ministers to go out and explain the roles and responsibilities of their respective ministries to the public. If this is true and there is no reason for it not to be – it is the first admission coming from the very top that the promise of open government made to the population now in its third year is far from being realised.

This came to light moments before President Michel boarded the plane at Seychelles International Airport Tuesday September 26 in the morning at the start of his first overseas visit since he was voted into office on July 30.

“I’m asking all my ministers also to do the same, to be on the field, be with the people and to be transparent in their actions and to inform the people about how we are going to make government more efficient and how we are going to implement my plan which the people approved when they elected me. I think we have a dynamic government and I want to make it more efficient for this is the way we will go in the future,” he said.

Talking about his visit, President Michel said that his trip will take him to London, first, where he will meet and discuss with institutional investors. But President Michel did not volunteer further info… about what he intend to discuss in London or in Bucharest – so much for telling his ministers to be transparent in their actions and to inform the people.

The statement that was made is vague lacking any substance, “I believe it is important at this stage of our economic development that we consolidate our relations with investors and this is what I’m going to do,” he said, adding that from London he will be travelling to Bucharest.

President Michel said that he will then proceed to Italy on official visit, and also have an audience with Pope Benedict XVI and meet the secretary of State of the Vatican.

“I think this is a very important visit, being my first outside Seychelles after my election, and I think it is very significant that this visit will include an audience with the Pope,” he said.

President Michel is accompanied by the Secretary of State, Alain Butler-Payette. The lack of any technical minds in his entourage for this trip overseas shows that little tangible work is foreseen. It seems more like a sightseeing exercise, the shaking of hands and the drinking of coffee.

However, it could turn out to be just the tonic the President needed to adopt a fresh approach locally on his return. We wish President Michel and the Secretary of State a pleasant trip.   

Copyright 2006: Seychelles Weekly, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles
September 29, 2006