This newspaper has received credible information that currently most taxi operators applying for the foreign exchange allocations, as previously promised by President Michel, to purchase new vehicles are being turned down by the Government. This is in spite of the fact that certain vehicles have passed the age limit allowed for taxi use. Drivers whose cars have been involved in accidents and their vehicles are beyond repair have also been turned down.
Letters are being sent out indiscriminately telling drivers that their application for foreign exchange to purchase new vehicles has not been approved. This is a sad end to a previously brilliant Father Christmas story, which has now turn out to be a hoax, started by President Michel in response to a question put to him by a taxi driver, Mr. Jemmy Bonne, at Glacis when he was touring the districts in his “meet with the people” exercise in 2005, in the run-up to the 2006 presidential elections. Mr. Michel said that his government would make available, monthly, foreign exchange for four cars.
We have been unable to confirm the numbers of foreign exchange allocations made to the taxi operators so far, but we are certain that it is nowhere near what President Michel promised to Mr. Bonne in 2005.