Minister Meritonconfirms that a District Administrator must be a member of the SPPF.Minister Meriton, the Minister for Community Development shocked the National Assembly last week when he candidly admitted that in order to qualify for the job of District Administrator, the applicant must be SPPF! Meriton who was answering a question from Bernard Georges who wanted to know if being SPPF is a pre-requisite to being appointed District Administrator. Meirton, without batting an eyelid, answered in the affirmative to the consternation and disappointment of the opposition members of the House. The District Administrator is a Civil Servant and his salary is paid for from government coffers and from tax payers’ contribution. It is inexplicable therefore why a person’s political belief or affiliation is a consideration for the job. Meriton’s answer to the question finally confirms the myth that District Administrators are political animals who are specifically placed in districts to ensure that the SPPF continues to win at the polls every time. These people are expected to know every household in their respective districts and how they are likely to vote at elections. They are also on strict orders to assist SPPF supporters and turn away those who are not. As President Michel announced plans on the 18th June 2007 on the occasion of the National Day, to give more powers to District Administrators and decentralize government services, many are wondering whether political considerations will be used as the yardstick henceforth to determine whether a constituent is eligible to receive assistance from government or not.

As the opposition has led the fight for the government to de-link and remove politics from the Civil Service, it seems that little has changed after 15 years of multi party state and a modern Constitution. It is apparent that political considerations continue to influence government’s decision and those who are deemed not to be sympathetic to the SPPF are systematically victimized and brought down to their knees as they are forced to beg and vouch to bear allegiance to the SPPF before they can receive government assistance. It is not uncommon for people to be asked “are you with us or against us” when they apply for government assistance. Unless they pass this simple test their file is invariably placed at the bottom of a pile where it lays until it miraculously disappears one day never to be seen again. Despite President Michel’s calls to adopt good governance, modern, transparent and accountable practices in the Civil Service, this remains but lip service being paid randomly and conveniently to score a few political points but nothing actually changes on the ground. The experiences of people who deal with the machinery of the Civil Service on a daily basis have remained skeptical and pessimistic. Minister Meriton has unwittingly confirmed what many suspected for years but did not have enough evidence to prove when he naively accepted that District Administrators definitely have to be SPPF in order to get the job. Plus ça Change! 

July 20, 2007
Copyright 2007: Seychelles Weekly, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles