The Swiss Capuchin Father Lambert (Paul Noël) arrived for the first time in the Seychelles in 1947. When he was posted to Baie Lazare (presumably the same year) most of the granite stones for the foundation and construction were in place. That colossal work for a new church started earlier by another Swiss Capuchin in late 1932, Father Simon (Georges-Louis Ruffieux), before Paul Noël joined the order. Father Simon mentioned in his memoir two main benefactors, Mr. François Jumeau and Mr. Joseph Albert. During his 10 months’ work Father Simon organised a banquet every Thursday afternoon for a large number strong labourer volunteers who gave their services to break the hard rocks for the proposed Church.
He said, I quote
“Je faisais alors des festins, ce qui veut dire, je réunissais 40 à 50 hommes pour porter ou amener avec un diable les grosses rochers, qui devient servir de fondation, et a ces hommes je donnais de bacca, jus de cannes fermenté, comme récompense."
Father Simon left Baie Lazare on 5th October 1933. His successors did not continue with the project. Seventeen years later Father Lambert Noël decided to give his support for the construction. However, the construction was done under the supervisor of Brother Pierre-Marie Magnin of Hauteville, Switzerland, the designer of the church. This is one of the most the beautiful church edifices in the Seychelles.
It is sad that those poor men who have worked hard for eleven months for that church and whose recompense were only bacca, have been forgotten in the annals of the church. Meanwhile, I would suggest that the book “La Croix sur les îles” be revised.