In the twenty-nine years that the SPPF has been in power they have imposed fear on the population in general. The fear factor has contributed largely in the past towards them winning elections. With the passing of time the fear factor has naturally diminished and after the forthcoming election it should become a thing of the past.

Sensing this eventuality the President of the ruling party demanded and has had the assurance that it will be brought back as a tool of repression in forcing allegiance towards the SPPF. Mr. Rene has confirmed that after the election Jj will get rid of people they suspect of supporting the opposition on the basis that they are holding government plans back by hiding files in drawers. This is indeed bad news for people working in government irrelevant of where their political allegiance lies. If the SPPF wants to get rid of you for whatever reason after the election they can simply accuse you of hiding files in the drawer.

This is something that no human being should wish upon his worst enemy, losing one’s job. Somehow certain people within the SPPF hierarchy finds that very normal and goes as far as expressing satisfaction at the news that people will be sacked after the election. The elements standing right next to Mr. Rene displayed their joy for all to see when the sentence was pronounced. Where is the morality in all of this?

This is something that cannot and should not be tolerated under any circumstances especially now fifteen years into a pluralistic system. Michel is pretending to be preaching unity on the one hand whilst the President of his party Mr. Rene is calling for widespread sacking and persecution of innocent people on the other. This is in stark contrast to what the church leaders are advocating. Bishop Denis Wiehe’s message to the community that very same day was one of respect, tolerance and love for one another. It is a great pity that the political leaders in the SPPF seem bent on harassment, persecution and the victimisation of their fellow countrymen/women.

This is one more reason why ordinary supporters of SPPF/SNP/DP, need to put their differences aside and vote to remove the current Administration from power. It is the only way to achieve real harmony amongst the Seychellois people. With the blessing of God all mighty together we can truly build a better society for the future generation.

June 09, 2006