We now have evidence to support further the claim that since assuming office this Administration has hired more personnel with the aim to intensify its effort at spying on the people. In fact thousands in foreign exchange (Euros) are being spent to purchase hi-tech surveillance equipment to monitor mobile telephone conversations. The latest consignment to reach the people in charge of these operations from a company in
We have long known about fixed telephone lines monitoring by the security services. Court orders are easily obtained to monitor fixed-line telephone calls. Allegedly, there even is a monitoring centre at State House.
Presently, it is alleged that private conversations are being listened to through a system called scanning. Apparently people employed by the security services are going around with hand held mobile scanners to monitor and record mobile telephone conversation. Criminals are said to be receiving help from people with access to these equipments. This system allows the operator to home in on mobile telephone conversation within a radius of one hundred metres. They can scan for mobile telephone signals in a place of their choosing, listen, record or do both.
If this practise is taking place and is being carried out with the approval of the people in power it is a major infringement on the privacy of the citizens. It is an unacceptable abuse of power which must end immediately without delay. A public statement is called for to explain, deny or clarify who are the people in charge of these equipments and operations, and for what purposes private telephone conversations are being monitored, on mob