The Seychellois community in the UK are furious about allegation made in ‘The People’ last week claiming that there was a fight and police was called to a meeting hosted by SNP/DP supporters abroad.
According to people who attended the meeting, it was a good meeting where the Leader of the SNP, honourable Wavel Ramkalawan, gave details of the alliance between the two opposition parties and answered questions from the floor. The meeting was well attended and took place in a civilised and cordial manner. For the SPPF to fabricate a story giving a false impression of what really took place there indicates that they must be running out of good sensible political arguments.
It is another example where the SPPF have deliberately lied to the electorate in an attempt at legitimising their claim to stay in power. Saddam and chemical Ali are saints in comparison. They, at least, were fighting for their lives. The SPPF confronted with the reality of their bad ways will continue to lie to retain power. Ever wondered why? Your guess is as good as mine.