It is for a great cause and it deserves all our support!

Dr. Ramadoss presenting check to President Michel while Dr. Rolph Payet looks on.

Dr. Ramadoss presented President James Michel with a cheque for one million rupees on Monday, 13th August 2007, at State House, which he had pledged previously as a contribution towards the Seychelles University Foundation’s fund. Dr. Ramados is also the Chairman of the fund raising committee which has an initial target of SR30 million and US $ 10 million to achieve. President Michel received the donation in his capacity as the Patron of the university.  “As the Chairman of the fund raising committee I am happy that people are coming forward to give large amounts of money and I request more people to give,” Dr Ramadoss told the Seychelles Nation after the presentation.

Ramadoss further commented that he wanted to be the first person to make this large contribution, and that he kept his promise for the purpose of setting an example in support of all the good things that President Michel is doing for Seychelles. And we would add, for him in particular. Dr. Ramadoss has plenty to thank the President for; after all he has by far the biggest business empire locally.

In a brief interview, the chairman of the university’s board, Dr. Rolph Payet, said that through his pledge and eventual donation, Dr. Ramadoss had set the ball rolling and set starting point. “It was a very good move on his part because the university is for all Seychellois, not just a select few,” Dr. Payet said.

According to Dr. Payet other pledges for substantial donations have been made and the benefactors will be recognized in due course, but added that some people have chosen to remain anonymous. Seychellois are a very intelligent and dynamic nation and the university will offer them an opportunity through which they can learn, explore and discover for themselves and also contribute to the development of the country, adding the world is moving at a rapid pace with major transformations taking place daily, which Seychelles needs to keep abreast of.  (Source: Seychelles Nation).

Le Nouveau Seychelles Weekly would like to make an appeal to everybody with the means to contribute to do so generously towards the formation of a university in Seychelles; it is for a greater cause and it deserves all our support!

August 17, 2007
Copyright 2007: Seychelles Weekly, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles